
“Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.” – Timothy Leary

Yes, That quote stands true because of all the inspiring women I have met in my life…Some I may know by face, and some I interact with almost everyday, and each and every second of their life is spent fruitfully. As it is women’d day, I’d love to tell the world about the women I admire the MOST for who they truly are..

Mother India 🙂 The Superwoman


She could literally bring up alllllllll the children in India on her own and it wont be a big deal for her!  Myyyy mom, she is the coolest mom ever and note I use the word cool as it implies perfectly…to pass her time she plays amazing games on her laptop (Gamer mom yeah see cool!), if she’s on your team while playing Antakshiri You’re going to win HANDS DOWN, you can give her a word and she would know a song that starts with it! Yeah 🙂 She makes the bestesttt shepherd’s pie and butter chicken in the world…this said by a punjabi friend of mine and others 🙂 All in all if there exists a concept of a supermom…you’ll know where to find her as long as you have my address 🙂

The Teacher – The one who indeed knows it all 🙂

Even though Ive known her for about 6 semesters/2 and a half years, its like she has imparted knowledge for a lifetime! From Bernini (SO HOT) to Da Vinci, she can tell you mind boggling stories in the most interesting manner possible! She taught me not how to be creative, but how to channel the creativity that was in me. She made me fall in love with my work, so much that I would wait for her assignments every week like a typical nerd 🙂 I have learnt so much from her by merely observing…interacting on a student-teacher level, and then just talking about simply nothing 🙂 I adore her for her strength, patience & simply for being the perfect individual that she is.

The Workahollic – My future 🙂


I am one of the few lucky people who needn’t take an appointment to barge into her office…(considering how pleasant she is in her workplace trust me everyone requires one). She can convince you into doing things you’d never dream of doing…which is why she’s ruling the advertising world in Muscat 🙂 Her working style is something I adore and hope to ape in the future. The way she handles situations, clients, colleagues, etc is inspiring. She’s the woman one notices when she walks into a room…not only because of her good looks but because of her aura and persona.

The All Rounder – The one who will rule the world with me because we are pretty darn perfect ❤


There is nothing she CANT do. Beauty with Brains is an understatement. I mean that. She’s ready for a challenge everyday of her life…she studies the most difficult course in the world and yet shines like a bright star 🙂 She is my best friend…My Soul Sister..My Everything. At such a young age, she manages to inspire many… me being one of the lot, She is my most treasured asset and someone I know will be there feeding me chicken when the world turns its back on me 🙂 I love you beyond imagination babyy!

These are the women who top my list this year…and well will always do for the rest of my life 🙂