Daily Prompt: Share the Love


Daily Prompt: Share the Love

Tell us about another blogger who has influenced your own online journey.

Since I was small, I used to write a diary. Some would say its a good habit and some would ask why not express it on a public platform? Well either way I was too shy to write for people to read because Im not that great on grammar and neither am I very good with the tenses oh wait no dont run away Im pretty decent and oh so very funny I promise! 🙂

I used to be very amused by the writings of my best friend because she was so damn good and just to make her laugh and get to her Id make fun of the big big words and the deep meaning because momentarily it was fun! So after coming to college I remember ouu Journalism professor asking us to write no matter what…he said “write because you want to! Dont give a fuck whether someone doesnt like your writing I mean hey you didnt invite him/her to read your work they did it because they have nothing to do!” Which made me realise that hey maybe I should start writing…but then you know the drill..college, assignments, sleep ohhh sleeeep yeah..

Then one day this woman (You will figure out soon who she is) tells me about her blog and how she had written one very long time ago and now doesnt find the time to write anymore. When I went through her writing it was something that clicked with me…something that made me smirk, laugh and then laugh more lol Her writing was simple yet powerful, funny yet hard hitting, casual yet I couldnt get up before it was over…Her blog was about the usual yet so bloody extraordinary you know something that I read and went Oh man why didnt I think of that? or wow I could have thought of that! I personally know she never knew (oh dear so much knowing) that she was my inspiration to write…to blog. I wanted my writing to be entertaining so that a smirk stays on your pretty face yes you whoever you are Ms/Mr/Mrs kind soul for reading this 🙂

She has encouraged me for life and even if I went to her with a 1000 grammar errors but an entertaining piece of writing shed say Its Amazingggggggg 😀

Here’s her blog for all you people to read and laughhhh



6 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Share the Love

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Share the Love | My Atheist Blog

  2. Pingback: The Daily Post | paul scribbles

  3. Pingback: Nobody Influences Me More Than … | The Jittery Goat

  4. Mou, this is the nicest thing anyone has EVER said about me! I’m speechless.. Lol… I really don’t know what to say but THANKS! And keep blogging because you really are an awesome writer 🙂 Loveeeeeeeee x


    • Hahaahaha Youre worth it! 🙂 And I laaaaaaav you!
      I have to tell you ALL ABOUT TODAY OHHHH EMMM JEEEEE lol
      will email you soon


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